This Legal Notice is provided by Studio dell’Avvocato Antich (the Firm) and Federico Antich (the Founding Partner) and describes the terms of use and intellectual property rights of all the material published in this website (the Website). The Firm is a private practice founded by Federico Antich in Florence, with its headquarter in Via Reginaldo Giuliani 261/A, 50141, Florence, Italy.

The term ”the Firm” mean the Firms (“we”/”us”/”our”).  Any reference to “Professional” means the partner, member, consultant, of-counsel or employee with equivalent standing and qualifications in the Firm.


Terms of Use and Disclaimer

The Website is only for the private use of our readers. It is intended to provide the readers with general legal information as well as information about the Firm. It does not estab­lish in any shape, form or way, an at­tor­ney-client re­la­tion­ship be­tween the read­ers and the Firm.

None of the material published by the Firm, directly or indirectly through third parties’ links, is intended to provide legal opinion or professional advice. Clients or other read­ers should not act or re­frain from act­ing on the ba­sis of any in­for­ma­tion con­tained in the Web­site, with­out seek­ing ap­pro­pri­ate le­gal or other pro­fes­sio­n­al ad­vice on the par­tic­u­lar facts and cir­cum­s­tances at is­sue. The Firm ac­cepts no re­spon­si­bil­i­ty for loss, which may arise from ac­cess­ing or re­liance on in­for­ma­tion con­tained in the Web­site.


The Web­site may con­tain links to ex­ter­nal web­sites and ex­ter­nal web­sites may link to the Web­site. The Firm is not re­spon­si­ble for the con­tent or op­er­a­tion of any such ex­ter­nal sites.

Copy­right, Trademark, and Re­pro­duc­tion No­tice

Federico Antich is the own­er of all in­tel­lec­tu­al property rights (in­clud­ing, but not limited to, copyright, trademark, logos, emblems, re-­pro­duc­tion rights) related to the content in the Website’s pages (including, but without limitation, all texts and pictures of professionals relating thereto or associated therewith) and all rights are reserved.


Read­ers may down­load and tem­porar­i­ly store one or more of the pages and doc­u­ments of the Web­site for per­so­n­al us­age and view on a stand-alone personal computer or monitor. Permanent copying or storage, transmission or distribution of any of the content of the Website by any means is pro­hibit­ed with­out the pri­or consent of Federico the rightful owners of the IP rights as described above.

Gov­ern­ing Law

The enclosed notices and all is­sues re­gard­ing the Web­site are gov­erned by the Italian law. The in­for­ma­tion con­tained in the Web­site is not for ad­ver­tis­ing pur­pose in the sense re­ferred to in the Italian laws and the Lawyers’ Code of Professional Conduct. Ev­ery ef­fort is made by the Firm to re­spect and ob­serve all the rules of pro­fes­sio­n­al conduct, the laws, the reg­u­la­tions and the de­ci­sions re­gard­ing the prac­tice of the legal pro­fes­sion in Italy.