Federico Antich founded his private practice, Studio dell’Avvocato Antich (the Law Firm) in 1997 in Florence, Italy. Since then, the Law Firm has grown and become renown both locally and internationally.

Whether your company needs to resolve an international business dispute in Italy, to negotiate a commercial contract or a transaction, or you need assistance with settling the estate of a family member, Studio dell’Avvocato Antich can represent your legal interests in Italy.

The Law Firm focuses on three main areas: mediation services worldwide; professional assistance in legal matters, and legal representation in the Courts of Law in Florence and the rest of the peninsula.

All our activities are carried out by attorneys and mediators with a high-profile academic and professional background in Italy, the UK, and the USA. The Law Firm has represented clients and mediated disputes around the world. Federico Antich, our founding partner, boasts extensive international experience and relies on long-standing relationships with the major mediation institutions worldwide.

Our attorneys can skillfully draft mediated settlement agreements, contracts, and legal opinions that tap into the extensive background in international business mediation, contract law, commercial transactions and business litigation in Italy. We can also assist with matters as straightforward as the translation of legal documents between English and Italian and as complex as arguing a case before the Italian Supreme Court.



Studio dell’Avvocato Antich aims to advice clients on alternative dispute resolution methods and to provide unconventionally traditional legal counseling with cost-effective and vigorous representation. The Firm approaches mediation services with a new vision for Alternative Dispute Resolution that are affordable, decisive and reliable.


We for excellence providing for services through highly skilled, ethical and committed professionals. With more than 5,000 cases in contract law, consumer disputes, company law, intellectual property, bankruptcy and more, the Firm combines legal expertise with practical experience to make the process as fair and expedient as possible, preserving the interests of our clients and delivering value to the parties.


Active Listening


Effectiveness and Problem Solving

